Monday, January 12, 2015

My Visual Journals got some Press!

I am elated to share this news! Drum roll please...!

A prominent South African magazine, Lééf (an Afrikaans word meaning "to live life to the full"), contacted me to write an article about my visual journals and the practice of keeping a visual journal.
Spending time with the magazine's editorial team was a wonderful experience and I was inspired by their enthusiasm.

The concept of keeping a visual journal as an effective tool for maintaining emotional and spiritual well-being and nurturing creativity is still relatively unknown over here, you see.
Although information and awareness about it is slowly expanding.
Of course I'm doing my bit too - whether people want to know about it or not!
As a passionate visual journalist it is impossible NOT to talk about it!
I am so excited that this opportunity came along because it allowed me to get the word out on a much grander scale.

The article is currently featured in the January 2015 issue.

You can view it at 50 seconds in the attached magazine flip video.
 Alternatively you can download the digital issue on or on iTunes.  
It is available in Afrikaans only.

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