Sunday, January 11, 2015

A Series of Serious Festivities!

First and foremost - let me wish you a wonderful, creative 2015!  
      One that is glistening with Hope.

I have just returned from 6 days of peace and quiet in a remote wilderness area about 2 hours' drive from where we live. Prior to that, our house had been a beehive of festivities from the beginning of November right through to the end of December.  Yup, our "Maison Majorelle" became a little function venue of sorts!  We were hosting parties from week to week for anything between 12 and 22 people.  In addition to this, our band, Jazz & the Gypsies, also got to play one gig to a full house of 110 guests all dressed up as gypsies!  It was such a thrill!

Here's a condensed list of all the awesome 12-plus festivities that we got to host: 
Jazz and the Gypsies Show
My Sister-in-Law's Baby Shower
My Mom's 70th Birthday Party
Van Wyk/Burger Clans Get-together
My Daughter Angeli's 4th Birthday Party
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day

This of course excludes the casual dinners, lunches and breakfasts with family and friends that dropped in or came for a sleepover.  So needless to say - there was absolutely zero time for making art.  With art supplies, that is.  But with each upcoming party I approached my home like a canvas - the themes, the colours, making vignettes to tell a story - each celebration became a collection of 3D installations and mixed media collages. 

So wrapping up 2014 is taking me a bit longer than usual because I only managed to catch my breath during our recent 6 days away. And I could not have survived this season without the help of my amazing sister, my incredible mom, my long suffering husband and my brother-in-law who is passionate about cooking!  After putting so much time and energy into each event, I do have the need to reminisce and share the joy through some pictures.  

                We got to play gypsy jazz to a fabulous audience and a full house ...

Then we celebrated baby Jenna Mari's expected arrival in French Vintage style ...

                     And then my beautiful, precious mom turned 70 ...

The Van Wyk (my maiden name) and Burger clans have been trying to get together for almost 2 years.  The long wait, during which some of us had to face life threatening adversity, made for a festive celebration of love, joy and hope.  Our own little thanksgiving.

Then my sweet Angeli turned 4 on a rainy day and we had to move the 
      party-in-the-forest and 10 very busy little creatures indoors ...

              Then Christmas Eve arrived and we were joined by family from as far
                    afield as South Korea.  Newborn baby Jenna was the guest of honour.  

      Christmas Day was a relaxed affair - we had naps, played guitar, read and lazed in the                           
             pool.  Such special times where we made a series of precious memories!

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