Saturday, March 21, 2015

An Impatient Heart, a Pencil and some Watercolour

This week is a bit of a whirlwind.  
So I've taken to my old routine of working in my studio late into the wee hours again.  
Those blissful hours when everyone is asleep and all is quiet. 
 I sleep less and I don't watch television - that is what frees up my time when days become hectic.  
If I don't make time to do something creative everyday - music, mixed media, writing, whatever -  it feels like I haven't eaten for days.  I become grumpy.  I feel caged.
It is a hunger that never goes away.  
At best, it only fades temporarily after some creative time.

So I've been looking forward to doing this week-long online illustration workshop with the uber-talented Danielle Donaldson for months now.  It started on Monday.  
And it is the ideal accompaniment to another online workshop I'm currently doing called 
"Writing Storybooks for Children".  
In this week's course, Danielle gives guidance on how to develop your own characters 
and then illustrate them.

You absolutely have to see Danielle's work!  Click here -

I was so thrilled that the first thing we had to do in the workshop was to make our own "storybook" out of watercolour paper.  I'm a bookmaker, so I jumped at the opportunity!  
And then I started playing around with ideas for little characters based on Danielle's wonderfully inspiring class notes and videos.  

This little one reminded me that everything happens for a reason.  
I get frustrated with having to scratch around for little nuggets of time 
to make the creative stuff happen and grow small dreams into big reality. 
 "All in good Time",  she knowingly says - while she carries a tiny potted plant on her head.  
She knows about nurturing new growth.
My impatient heart needed reminding.

Go to to read more about this online course 
and other wonderful and inspiring offerings. 
Danielle's workshop was live this week, but you can enrol anytime plus you get lifetime access.


  1. Anel this workshop sounds so cool!! I can not wait to see and read your childrens story book!
    Wishing you a large collage of little pieces of time put together for you to use freely <3

  2. Hi Liezl! Thank you so much for your wonderful wishes! I'm inspired by your enthusiasm! xx

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