Sunday, February 22, 2015

POWerhouses of Visual Inspo

One of my fondest childhood memories has to do with books.  My tonsils had to be removed at the tender age of 5, but I do not remember how sick I was nor how painful it was.  Everything was overshadowed by the stacks of books that family and friends gifted me with.  Every book was a powerful and magical journey of the imagination - regardless whether someone was reading me the story or whether I was just looking at the beautiful illustrations.

That enchantment is still with me today.

In my house there is a little corner where I keep a stack of books distinctly separate from the rest of my collection.  These books are my safe house.  They keep the rabbit hole of inspiration and enchantment just an arm's length away because I pass that spot many times during the day.  If I desperately need to get a quick 30-second reminder that life is still beautiful, or I have time to languish over the pages - they're always close by.

When we have house guests, I'm always secretly amused at who might actually end up noticing and take time to page through them and who will not even give them a second glance.  Here they are  - the books that inspire me endlessly:

Pia Jane Bijkerk is a stylist who writes about the journey to follow her wandering heart.  Moving from Italy, to a houseboat in Amsterdam, then to a Parisian apartment - 
all accompanied by her exquisite photography.
Also click over to her blog via my blog roll here on the right.

Wonderful book about displaying your treasured, personal possessions into new and unusual ways to make your home unique.  Geraldine James has a passion for unusual and beautiful things and turns them into works of art purely by her creative approach to displaying them.  Lots of inspiring ideas, colour and textures.

Then there's Sibella Court.  
I have 4 of her books - love them all! An Australian girl who worked as stylist in New York before setting up The Society Inc in her native Australia.  Everything that she does is raw, earthy, full of texture and drenched 
in travel anecdotes.  She gets her inspiration from gathering stories on her travels to far flung places.  She shares contacts, places to stay and places to visit.  The visuals are beyond beautiful and wonderfully inspiring. Sibella's approach is to weave her travel experiences into what she has at home, and what she can source where she lives, without having to haul heavy luggage or containers back home. She encourages the reader to do the same.
Inspirational caffeine! She's also on my blog roll - click on The Society Inc.

Victoria Alexander is a stylist, passionate traveller and fashion editor. Chapters focus on individual colour, its history, meaning and influence. Exquisite photography grouped coupled with powerful minimalist text - this adds to the power of the images.  
Beautiful, lyrical and contemplative content.

Stunning book by legendary designer Tricia Guild. 
An inspiration board of textures, colours, themes, objects and artwork that she finds inspiring.  Gorgeous and energising visuals.

Julia Chaplin coined the term Gypset to describe the very current international community of artists, designers and bon vivants who live the easy and carefree lifestyle of Gypsies with the sophistication of the jet set.  The books explore the unconventional lives of these bohemians and the travel destinations they inhabit.  Mesmerising read!

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