Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Journaling Journey to the Pearl of the Arabian Gulf

From many nations they came to live on this island.  
I was invited to visit them.  Two of us flew overnight. 
To this beautiful arid 55 km by 18 km island, surrounded by turquoise waters where fresh water fountains still rise up from the sea bed.

Named Dilmum in ancient times.  
Nowadays known as Bahrain. 
They wanted to learn how to journal. 
The Ikonic kind.  
They wanted to know how to chronicle their spiritual journeys. 19 of them.
Making pages that serve as icons to unlock memories and profound personal truths.  

I was blessed to be able to share with them what I have learnt so far.  
Blank pages were transformed with luscious colour, image and words written in Arabic, 
Sri Lankan, Hindi, English, Afrikaans, Dutch and Tagalog using their respective alphabets.
It was an intensely gratifying experience.  
6 very busy, very satisfying days flew by too rapidly. 
I returned to South Africa feeling saturated.
For I have received so much more from them than what I have given. 

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