Monday, December 2, 2013

We're taking a Dream Journey in 2014....are you coming?

It was a glorious summer day.  
With great excitement, my friend Sonja and I presented our second and final workshop for the year.  We were surrounded by majestic horses, cajoling bushbuck, trees of glowing greens 
and the sweetest of birdsong.  
And just as we concluded the day - the blessing of soft and cooling rain. 

We made our own journals.  
We reflected.  
There were things that were holding us back from reconnecting 
to our heartsongs.

So first we had to give ourselves permission to listen.

Then we made maps of our 
life stories. 
Because in order to understand the journeys that our hearts 
are leading us on, 
we need to make sense of 
where we have been.  
And where we are now.  

And so the journey of rediscovering our hearts have started.  
A Dream Journey. 
 There's so much more 
to come in 2014.  
Are you courageous enough to join?

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