Saturday, November 9, 2013

3 moonchasers on the loose

There is much to be said about rituals. Being in a ritual space elevates any event into a highlight in one's consciousness. Creating rituals in family life frames those experiences in our future memories. I am a great believer in making something special out of everyday occurences and elevating them into small celebrations of life.

At this point in my life I would rather light a candle or pick flowers or make a mark on paper with my two year old than use my limited time and energy to tweet or facebook about it. Because toddlers benefit more if they are engaged in an event with tactile sensibilities in order to mark an event. A case in point was when Angeli's dad skyped her from the US during a trip. He said goodbye by gesturing a hug. She was left in tears, turning her back on the screen and sobbing that she liked real hugs.

So the other day at dusk, quite unplanned, the 3 of us jumped into our red pickup truck and took a scenic drive to a lookout point close to our house. We watched while the full moon was rising quietly while sounds from the valley below drifted upwards. Geese, kestrell, ibis, bullfrogs, the odd dog barking and some human voices. It was magical. No music. Nothing to drink or eat. No camera. Just us 3. Our eyes. Our ears. Magical.

When we drove back after dark we realised that this was the second time we had chased the moon. And so a small family ritual was born that day. That easy. That quietly.
Like praying together at the start of each day that we are gifted to experience together.
Small little tokens that will bind the 3 of us together forever in our memories.

Precious are the days that we are given to be witnesses to each others' lives.
We need to make them count.

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