Thursday, March 1, 2012

Making the muse stay...

To live creatively means different things to different people.  For me it boils down to having an inquisitive and observant mindset that culminates in a lifestyle of experimenting with and expressing new ideas which result in behaviour that impacts your world positively.  Note that the end result should always be positive. It is a matter of recharging on a regular basis and then spending this energy again.  So you end up having a constant flow of fresh energy/ideas coming into your life, and flowing out through your relationships, your home and your community.  The secret is to keep it fresh!

When it comes to recharging, I firmly believe in artist's dates - weekly appointments with your inner artist - you can do anything that relaxes and energizes you - watching an art movie (2 hours) or a quick 20-30 minute coffee break while browsing through a book that inspires you might do the trick - I love spending time in bookshops that serve coffee for this very reason.

The creativity & energy that I gain from this is enough to last me 100 times longer than the time I actually spent!  To illustrate my point: late Sunday night, the muse arrived, and I got this idea for beautifying an empty curtain rod that has been installed above the patio entrance of our rented house (so I cannot remove it, and I refuse to hang a curtain that will close up the lovely view)....  See!  Creative energy in - creative energy out!

I found this piece about staying creative on today.  If you haven't checked out this site previously - do so asap - you'll experience tons of inspirational eye candy.  It is a virtual pinboard where you and others can freely show and share images from the web that inspire you. Sort of like a global scrapbook.  Love the typography of number 24....!  So what do you do to recharge and stay creative? I'd love to hear your comments.


SonjaB said...

Having coffee with creative people (like you!) and spending time in nature (just being quiet)

Anel Stricker-Bessinger said...

Now I know! Thanks Sonja!