Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Midsummer Gypsy Camp

The other weekend, the 3 of us decided on an impromptu picnic, following the discovery that our new daybed was lightweight enough to carry anywhere.  It opened up so many possibilities..!  It meant that we were able to lounge in places never possible before! Throw in 2 hammocks that we've hauled all the way from Brazil - which had also been lying in waiting for a number of years - and we were ready to set up a real little gypsy camp.  

We loaded everything - food, hammocks, camera, books, journal, bunting, pinwheel flowers, throws, toys - onto the daybed and our caravan promptly proceeded across our lawn down to a patch of trees next to a froggy pond.  Our 4-year old proudly soldiering on, holding the one leg of the daybed up, doing her bit to help the trek along.

Then proceeded the setting up of camp under the shadiest patches, where after we unpacked our lunch made up of bits and bobs that were foraged from the fridge.  Needless to say, the daybed and 2 hammocks were thoroughly utilised after lunch.

Clouds were slowly building up but we stuck through 3 light lashings of rain.  We were not to be deterred by the odd drop-in-the face.  Weathered gypsies were we - so we stayed put - enjoying the cool cloudiness that had set in.  Then, just before sunset, thunder struck and the rains poured down.

We threw everything we couldn't carry underneath the daybed and abandoned camp.  Grabbing only the essentials, we covered ourselves and the 4-year old with a large lime green plastic table cloth and ran the 150m to our house, laughing hysterically.  The neighbours must have thought that we had one too many - seeing the lime green thing with 4 legs bobbing about like a drunken caterpillar on the lawn.

By the time we had reached our front door we were drenched. We looked back towards our little camp and saw an incredible sight.  The shower had subsided, the sky had turned luminous and across it spanned the clearest most saturated 180 degree double rainbow I have ever had the pleasure of seeing. We just stood there and gazed in awe.

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