Monday, August 12, 2013


My Mermaid Circus handmade journal is slowly filling up. Just finished another page last night. I have a deadline, you see! 30 August is drawing closer, and with it follows our spring here in the South - on 1 September. 3 more pages to go and I'm there! My little girl whirls into my studio every couple of days now and then she asks to see the mermaids. Everytime, she carefully puts down the tiny book on the sofa and turns every page very carefully with her little 30 month-old fingers. She takes in every page, every detail. And while she stands there I can see glimpses of her adult self paging through this book when perhaps I'm not there anymore, somewhere in the future.

I want her to remember, to feel my love - a secure foundation that will provide the impetus behind her determined steps as she makes her own positive imprint on the world with passion and with confidence.

I'm leaving her my story. Illustrated testimonies of what perseverance, prayer and love can do. The beliefs and values that I live by, and how these remain a steady vehicle that carry me through the rollercoaster of day-to-day human emotions and trivialities.

I'm not just creating journals, I'm leaving a legacy.

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